
Master Air Attack Planning Toolkit

Source: Intelligent Software Solutions, Inc.
The MAAP Tool Kit will bring real-time planning information to the MAAP Cell to expedite
The MAAP Tool Kit will bring real-time planning information to the MAAP Cell to expedite MAAP development and transmission to Theater Air Planner (TAP).

Information feeds will include JTF/JFACC guidance, unit level resource information, information from the intelligence and operations databases, space planning information, real-time threats, intelligence preparation of the battlespace (IPB), current and predicted theater wide weather, other component plans (ground, air, maritime), and the target nomination list (TNL).

The MAAP Tool Kit will automatically build target-planning worksheets and automatically transfer this information to TAP.

Intelligent Software Solutions, Inc., 2864 South Circle Drive, Suite 1100, Colorado Springs, CO 80906. Tel: 719-457-0690 ; Fax: 719-457-0693.